Rejections Will No Longer Exist — If You Make This Sales Mindset Switch!


Growth Forum

CEO & Co-Founder of GrowthForum.io

The Weekly Sales Report

Sales Mindset Mastery

Issue #001 | Listen on the "How To Sell" Podcast

Special Note: This newsletter is now the Weekly Sales Report, where once per week, we'll dive really deep into one topic to help you reach your sales goals faster.


In our line of work, there are two words you often hear from customers that can mean success or failure.

These words are “yes” and (the dreaded) “no.”

As a sales pro or start-up owner, you’ve likely had more of the latter than the former. With this being the case, you may have developed a fear of rejection.

Yes, rejection is a real thing in sales and business.

With that said, I’m not going to sell you some cliche about it being part of the business, nor am I going to tell you that rejections are a good thing (though they can be).

Instead, here’s what I’m going to tell you:

The rejections you’ve faced may not have been rejections.

Read that again if you have to.

Often, we get too sensitive when we get a “no.”

This causes us to overgeneralise the experience and label it as a sign to back off.

With the right sales mindset, you’ll experience a paradigm shift in how you think of rejections. You’ll reframe what you thought were rejections into the very things you get out of bed for—opportunities.

And in this issue, I’m going to show you how.

All About Rejection

Let’s begin with the stuff of nightmares — rejection.

Simply put, rejections are any correspondence or behaviour that signifies that your customer isn’t interested in what you’re selling.

As a result, rejections can strike fear and despair in even the most staunch and “Goggins-esque” of sales pros.

If you’re nodding your head to this, you’re no less a person or a salesperson.

In fact, we’re hard-wired to fear rejection.

Don’t believe me? Here’s some science for you:

According to one MRI study cited by Forbes (think brain signal study), rejection triggers the same neurological responses you’d see in someone who’s experiencing pain.

So, when you say that rejection hurts, I get it.

It's true, both figuratively and literally.

Objection — Opportunities Masked as Rejection

We’re taught that rejection sucks and is a sign to back off.

But what if it isn’t?

Think of the last time you got a “rejection.”

Did the exchange look like this?

You pitched a product.

The prospect showed some interest but, for some reason, didn’t bite.

Instead, your customer told you things along the lines of:

“I like it. But it’s too (-insert reason-).”

Sure, the outcome looks the same as a rejection — and this is the number one mistake most sales professionals make.

You see, the above exchange isn’t a rejection.


It’s because, unlike a rejection, your prospect showed interest.

What stopped your prospect or lead from buying was a specific factor.

Whatever this factor is, that’s a sales objection.

Objections are not the end of the road; they're simply roadblocks that need to be navigated.

Think of them as signals that your prospect is engaged and interested, but may have concerns or questions holding them back.

Recognising them as opportunities enables you to do what 44% of salespersons won’t.

And this gets you ahead.

Spotting Sales Objections

Recognising objections is crucial for effective sales conversations.

They can come in many forms, such as:

Price: "It's too expensive."

Timing: "I'm not ready to commit right now."

Need: "I don't think I need your product/service."

Competition: "I'm considering other options."

These objections may seem like barriers, but with the right sales mindset and approach, they can be transformed into opportunities.

They’re learning opportunities that tell you more about your customers.

Most importantly, they enable you to get to the bottom of what makes a sale challenging — and address it.

Overcoming Objections: The Playbook

If you’ve made it this far, we can sum up everything that has been said thusly:

See rejections as unrecognised objections.

Spot objections. Address them.

So far, we’ve talked about the first two.

So, how do you go about the third?

That’s where my sales mindset playbook comes in.

Here’s my step-by-step plan for dealing with objections, overcoming them, and nailing your sales conversations.

1. Listen Actively

Active listening is the foundation of effective objection handling.

Rather than immediately jumping in with a response, take the time to understand the prospect's objection fully.

Listen not just to the words they're saying but also to the underlying concerns and emotions behind the objection.

This demonstrates to the prospect that you value their perspective and are genuinely interested in finding a solution that meets their needs.

Of course, it’s one thing to just listen—it’s another to display that you’re attentive, and this is what you want to do to put your prospect at ease.

To display your attentiveness, simply use open body language (don’t cross your arms) and rephrase or restate based on what you understood.

Doing these two things goes a long way.

2. Empathise

Empathy is essential in building rapport and trust with prospects.

Put yourself in the prospect's shoes and acknowledge their concerns with sincerity.

Use phrases like "I understand how you feel" or "That sounds challenging" to show empathy and validate their emotions.

By demonstrating empathy, you create a connection with the prospect and create a more conducive environment for addressing their objections.

By the way, empathy also makes you seem less “salesy” or “too pushy,” which can put off your customers.

3. Clarify and Confirm

Ensure that you fully understand the prospect's objection before attempting to address it.

Ask clarifying questions to gain a deeper understanding of their concerns.

Repeat the objection back to the prospect in your own words to confirm your understanding and show that you're actively engaged.

This not only helps clarify any misunderstandings but also demonstrates to the prospect that you're genuinely listening and attentive to their needs.

4. Provide Solutions

At the end of the day, sales objections are pain points or problems.

Your job as a sales pro is to address them.

Once you've clarified your prospect’s objections, focus on providing solutions or alternatives.

Highlight the specific features or benefits of your product or service that directly alleviate their objections.

Tailor your response to resonate with the prospect's needs and pain points.

Last but not least, demonstrate how your offering can effectively solve their problem.

If you can, provide real-world examples or case studies to illustrate the effectiveness of your solution and build credibility.

5. Handle Objections Proactively

Over time, you’ll get a sense of what the most common sales objections are.

Use them as information for future sales pitches.

Anticipating objections before they arise is a proactive approach to objection handling.

Consider common objections that prospects might have.

These can be based on their industry, role, or previous interactions.

Also, address these objections preemptively during your sales pitch.

Work them into your presentation and demonstrate how your offering addresses each concern.

By proactively addressing objections, you can instil confidence in the prospect and preemptively overcome potential hesitations.


So, there you have it — my trick to overcoming rejection and sales objections.

With a sales mindset that views rejection as objections waiting to be addressed, you’ll not just close more, but you’ll do so with confidence as though rejection isn’t a thing.

And there’s nothing more freeing than making deals without the chance of rejection ruling your actions.

Here’s to your success, fellow sales pro.

David Fastuca

CEO & Co-Founder, Growth Forum

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Growth Forum

CEO & Co-Founder of GrowthForum.io